Tuesday, November 7, 2017


November 2nd was the last Day In The Life of 2017. I haven't observed any of the others this year, but this time we all had the day off so it was an easy day to document. When putting the pages together I used the digital kit Ali put together for this day. The cards had a fun new concept of counting during the day, which I enjoyed. The pages will go into our regular Project Life album.

Week 44 is Fall Break here in Sweden, which meant we could sleep in this morning. After breakfast Nea and I sat in the kitchen to do some crafting. She loves watching Kristina Werner's word art videos, so she tried her hand at one of her own. While I made lunch, she took a hot shower. Dante was playing Overwatch on the PS4.

I went on Ali's Craft the Story facebook page to ask if everyone counted breakfast as a meal. They did, but I decided against it. The reason is I journaled about being SO tired of cooking. I'm not a huge fan of eating cooked meals which makes me even less motivated to cook them. The kids on the other hand always want a cooked meal, which surprises me because I hated meal time as a kid. This day I decided to cook a big lunch, and then they could put the leftovers in the microwave for dinner.

The number stickers are from the October Studio Calico documenter kit, Gypsy Moon. They matched Ali's word strips nicely. For some reason my printer didn't print them all the same shade of blue, but that's ok. 

After making lunch, cleaning and doing laundry I deserved a reading break. My favorite tea mug is the size of a flower pot. I've had that brown wool blanket since I was two. It's huge and so warm and my favorite posession. It's what I'd bring to a deserted island, for sure.

The original card below had the dollar sign, but I cut the letters KR from another card and changed the colour to gray. Swedish money is called "kronor". The reason we spent so much without leaving the house is we had bills to pay. 

I propped my phone up on some books and used the self timer to take the nail polish photo. Nea has a pink night light in her room which gave the photo of her in bed a cool shade.

I didn't count the hugs during the day, but I used the eight as an infinite sign instead. We love hugs in our family!

I hope you've found some inspiration to document a Day In The Life of your own. Tomorrow I'm posting an update of how I'm doing with the 2017 Reading Challenge. See you then!


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