Friday, December 8, 2017


Finally, the month of December is here! Me and Nea has been waiting patiently since the arrival of our December Daily kits. Nea got the children's kit that is new for this year. When I ordered her kit I noticed there was a sale for older December Daily addons, so I got last year's Paislee Press kit for me. I've never ordered the December Daily kit from Ali Edwards because I think it's too expensive. All the years before I've just put my own kit together with a few new items added in from Studio Calico and Paislee Press.

I still haven't decided if I'm putting my 2017 pages into an album or if I'm going to use binder rings. I used a 6x8 album last year, and I found the spine too thick. Those 25 days of December takes up as much space on the shelf as six months of Project Life. I don't have the shelf space to keep that up!

My intro page is the same as last year. It's a digtal page from the Paislee Press December You Are My Fave No. 5 6x8 Mini Album Kit. I love how it looks printed on kraft paper! 

I'm planning to add a family photo on the back of the intro page, but I haven't taken any good photos yet. It will either be a 4x3 selfie or four individual 2x2 photos placed in a grid. We'll see!

Day one is all about going to the shopping centre and gearing up for winter. For the numbers I'll be using the Paislee Press This Day In December No. 2 digital kit throughout my album. (ETA: I've remade this page. To see the new version click here.)

On the second day of December we cleaned the house thoroughly and then I put all the decorations on the kitchen table and told the kids they got to place them around the house. The had a fun time deciding where everything should go and then me and hubby got to go on a house tour to discover them all.

Day three was First of Advent. We have a super heavy cast iron candle holder for Advent. I haven't decided what to fill the bottom with yet, but I think I'll go with nuts this year. I've tried peppermint candies (they get eaten!) and fake crushed ice (it ends up everywhere!) before. Some colorful glass ornaments may be pretty, too.

The Swedish postal service gave out these free postcards for Christmas this year. They are beautiful! I printed the day three photo to fit on the back of the postcard and did a half page insert with the journaling for the day.

On my next spread I brought in a large cork number to change things up a bit. Poinsettias make me think of my grandmother so that's what I wrote about for day four.

I'd love to see your pages too! Have you started in on your album yet?


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