Tuesday, December 30, 2014

My 5 favorite blog posts of 2014

Kellie Winnell is one of my favorite bloggers. She is so incredibly creative and has an amazing style. She came up with this great idea for blogging the end of the year - 15 Before 2015.

The first blog post should contain your favorite 5 blog posts of the year. So here they are, in particular order:
  1. http://rockermorsan.blogspot.se/2014/01/a-creative-nudge.html
  2. http://rockermorsan.blogspot.se/2014/04/12-in-14-april.html
  3. http://www.studiocalico.com/blog/2014/7/14/member-spotlight-magdalena
  4. http://rockermorsan.blogspot.se/2014/08/a-fresh-scrap-space.html
  5. http://rockermorsan.blogspot.se/2014/12/my-winter-wardrobe.html
A CREATIVE NUDGE - about being inspired by Pinterest. I loooove Pinterest!

12 IN 14 APRIL - on how I go about putting together a photo grid.

MEMBER SPOTLIGHT - I guess this is cheating a bit because it's not on my blog, but it's about me.

A FRESH SCRAP SPACE - on reorganizing my scrap space.

MY WINTER WARDROBE - on my new obsession, the capsule wardrobe.

To see the more blog posts by others or link up your own, go here.


1 comment:

  1. I'm blushing over here, thank you so much for all your kind words Magdalena. I so want to give the capsule wardrobe a try.
